When you are facing criminal charges you need a New Jersey Criminal Defense Attorney to fight for you. Criminal Defense Attorney and Jersey City lawyer Joel Silberman focuses exclusively on Criminal Defense. Joel Silberman is dedicated to fighting for individuals that are facing Federal, State and Municipal charges.
Joel Silberman focuses his Civil Rights practice on police misconduct including excessive force, false arrest and malicious prosecution.
Mr. Silberman has experience bringing these types of suits in the Federal Court for the District of New Jersey pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1983 as well as in New Jersey’s various state courts pursuant to the New Jersey Civil Rights Act and Constitution.
Joel Silberman knows that exhaustive investigation and analysis of evidence by independent experts is often the difference between a not guilty versus a guilty verdict or a favorable versus unfavorable plea agreement. Joel Silberman has a large network of experts in fields such as DNA, medicine, breath tests, accounting, accident reconstruction and private investigators.
Law enforcement never rests and neither do we. Immediately after retaining Joel Silberman you will receive a 24/7 dedicated line to contact him on.
For highly qualified and devoted legal representation, call (201)-420-1913 today to schedule an appointment.