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Criminal Defense
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Criminal Defense Attorney
When should I hire an attorney?
What should I do if the police place me under arrest?
When do I tell my story?
How do the police obtain a search warrant?
What can police search for and seize once a warrant is issued?
What is an Indictment?
Is a Disorderly Persons offense a crime in New Jersey?
Should I hire a Criminal Defense Attorney before seeking help from a Bail Bondsman?
Will the people convicted of the similar crimes receive the similar punishments?
What factors does a judge consider when determining punishments?
What is juvenile delinquency?
at happens when my child is arrested for committing a juvenile offense?
Is it i
mportant to hire a criminal defense attorney if I am a crime suspect or is charged with a crime?
ll my case go to trial?
Should I accept a plea agreement?
Is it important to hire a criminal defense lawyer for minor charges?
at is the difference between probation and parole?
Should I
speak with a police officer when am arrested for a crime?
What is the difference between a felony and misdemeanor charge?
What is the difference between a dismissal and an expungement?
Will my child have a criminal record if he is charged with a juvenile crime?
hat should I do if I get a traffic ticket in New Jersey?
How many points will I get if convicted with a speeding ticket?
hen should I contact a traffic offense attorney?
What is a plea agreement?
Can my criminal record be expunged? If I received an expungement in the past, can I still eligible for another expungement?
Is there any way to get my traffic ticket discharged in NJ?
What type of criminal defense cases does your firm handle?
Do you offer a free consultation?
What locations do you serve?
Do you offer 24/7 services?
hat legal rights do juveniles have?
How does the juvenile court process differ from adult criminal court proceedings?
Do juveniles face the same charges as adults?
hat are my rights when arrested for a crime?
What are the benefits of confiding the truth to your criminal lawyer?
What types of defenses are used against criminal charges?
What factors should I consider when choosing a criminal defense attorney?
What are the benefits of hiring a criminal defense attorney?
w a Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help You
My driving license was suspended. What can I do to get it back after the suspension period?
Should I just plead guilty to my criminal charges?
Should I represent myself in a criminal case?
Are lawyer results guaranteed?
If I am innocent, why do I need a lawyer?
What happens after I am released by police from the station?
What should I do if I am arrested?
How much will it cost to hire a criminal defence lawyer?
I think the police want to talk to me about a crime that occurred, what should I do?
I have been told that there is a warrant for my arrest. What should I do?
What happens if I am arrested and taken to the county jail?
Is there any possibility of sealing and expunging (cleaning up) my criminal record?
How do I appeal a criminal conviction or sentence?
Does New Jersey have bail?
Can a Warrant be removed?
Is it legal to ask for record and track racial ethnic information of leaseholders in an apartment complex?
What are the late filing penalties for submitting the MDRR form after the deadline?
What type of criminal defense cases does your firm handle?
Do you offer free consultation?
What locations do you serve?
Do you offer 24/7 services?
Will I be able to speak to you directly about concerns?
How much communication should I expect about my case?
Do you accept credit and debit cards?
What are your office hours?
What are the essential elements of malicious prosecution?
How can I prevent myself from getting the virus?
How do I know if I am an asymptomatic carrier?
What rules or safety guidelines are in place for reopened businesses? Are any businesses closed?
What types of benefits or assistance are available to me during the coronavirus outbreak?
What are the reopening rules for bars and restaurants? What precautions or policies must they take?
How can people safely get together? What are the limits for indoor and outdoor gatherings?
Which states are on the travel advisory list? Are there travel restrictions to or from New Jersey?
What safety precautions must my employer take?
Domestic Violence
How long does it take for the judge to issue restraining order?
How long does a restraining order last?
Is domestic violence a crime?
Do I need to hire an attorney if I have been charged with domestic violence?
What is domestic violence?
What are the different types of domestic violence?
What is a restraining order?
How can a domestic violence attorney help me?
Are men victims of domestic violence?
What are the common signs of domestic violence?
Are children affected by domestic violence?
Does child abuse fall under domestic violence?
What are the potential defenses to domestic violence?
What are the penalties for a DUI charge?
What are the civil penalties for an Aggravated DWI?
How to Choose the Right DWI Defense Attorney
How Can a DUI Affect a Person’s Life?
What Can a DUI Defense Attorney Do for Me?
What is the difference between “DWI” and “DUI”?
What is “blood alcohol content” (BAC) or level?
What do police officers look for when searching for drunk drivers on the highways?
Do I have to take a breathalyzer, blood test, or urine test if I am stopped for DUI or DWI?
What happens if I refused to take a breath test?
Do I have the right to talk to an attorney before taking a breathalyzer, blood test, or urine test?
Can I “plea bargain” a New Jersey DWI charge?
What if I am licensed in another state and am found guilty of DWI in New Jersey?
Guns and weapons offenses
What are the gun laws in New Jersey?
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ – Criminal Defense Attorney
FAQ – General
FAQ – Domestic Violence
FAQ – Guns and Weapons Offenses
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