Consequences of a Criminal Conviction
Most people who face criminal charges prefer not to go to jail. When presented with a plea bargain, they easily accept the offer in order to avoid the expenses and publicity of a trial. However, before accepting a plea bargain or pleading guilty, you should be aware of the potential impact of a criminal conviction. Defendants convicted of a violation or crime, whether it is a felony or a misdemeanor, can have a criminal record that will follow them wherever they go. There are many long-term consequences of a criminal conviction, including the following:
- Employment
- College admissions
- Housing
- License
- Immigration
- Social Consequences
- Voting
A criminal conviction can affect your employment opportunities. It can hinder your chances of developing a career and earning an income. Some employers have policies that prohibit applicants convicted of certain crimes such as fraud, dishonesty, theft or violence. In addition, some convictions can hinder you from pursuing certain careers. For example, some schools will not hire individuals convicted of a sex offense.
Some colleges may deny you admission into an educational program if you have a criminal record. It can also hinder you from receiving federal student loans. You may be ineligible to use FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) if you have been convicted of possession or sale of illegal drugs.
Most landlords conduct a background check before renting a property. A criminal conviction can affect your eligibility for both public housing and private housing. In addition, subsidized housing programs use federal rules to decide who is eligible for assistance. Housing agencies can deny admission to people with a past criminal record, as well as to their entire family. Criminal records that can be grounds for denial include drug conviction, sex crime convictions, and violent crimes.
Having a past record of criminal conviction can affect your professional license. Many jobs, including positions in a governmental office, education, medicine, and law require a person to maintain certain ethical standards. In addition, having a history of traffic violations can cause your license to be suspended or revoked.
Individuals who are not citizens, or illegal immigrants, can be evacuated from the country if they are charged with serious criminal offenses. A criminal history can also result in the denial of your citizenship and your re-entry into the country.
Criminal convictions can affect your social status and interpersonal relationships, including a romantic relationship, or your relationship with your co-workers, friends, and members of your family.
In some states, defendants, convicted felons or people with a history of felonies are not allowed to vote.
Charged with a crime? Contact the Law Offices of Joel Silberman, LLC
If you are accused, charged, or arrested for a crime in New Jersey, then you will need an experienced and aggressive Criminal Defense Attorney to fight for you. The law offices of Joel Silberman, LLC focuses exclusively on criminal defense. We have a reputation for aggressively representing individuals facing Federal, State, and Municipal charges. Call us today at 201-420-1913 or email at