FAQ – Criminal Defense Attorney
- When should I hire an attorney?
- What should I do if the police place me under arrest?
- When do I tell my story?
- How do the police obtain a search warrant?
- What can police search for and seize once a warrant is issued?
- What is an Indictment?
- Is a Disorderly Persons offense a crime in New Jersey?
- Should I hire a Criminal Defense Attorney before seeking help from a Bail Bondsman?
- Will the people convicted of the similar crimes receive the similar punishments?
- What factors does a judge consider when determining punishments?
- What is juvenile delinquency?
- What happens when my child is arrested for committing a juvenile offense?
- Is it important to hire a criminal defense attorney if I am a crime suspect or is charged with a crime?
- Will my case go to trial?
- Should I accept a plea agreement?
- Is it important to hire a criminal defense lawyer for minor charges?
- What is the difference between probation and parole?
- Should I speak with a police officer when am arrested for a crime?
- What is the difference between a felony and misdemeanor charge?
- What is the difference between a dismissal and an expungement?
- Will my child have a criminal record if he is charged with a juvenile crime?
- What should I do if I get a traffic ticket in New Jersey?
- How many points will I get if convicted with a speeding ticket?
- When should I contact a traffic offense attorney?
- What is a plea agreement?
- Can my criminal record be expunged? If I received an expungement in the past, can I still eligible for another expungement?
- Is there any way to get my traffic ticket discharged in NJ?
- What type of criminal defense cases does your firm handle?
- Do you offer a free consultation?
- What locations do you serve?
- Do you offer 24/7 services?
- What legal rights do juveniles have?
- How does the juvenile court process differ from adult criminal court proceedings?
- Do juveniles face the same charges as adults?
- What are my rights when arrested for a crime?
- What are the benefits of confiding the truth to your criminal lawyer?
- What types of defenses are used against criminal charges?
- What factors should I consider when choosing a criminal defense attorney?
- What are the benefits of hiring a criminal defense attorney?
- How a Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help You
- My driving license was suspended. What can I do to get it back after the suspension period?
- Should I just plead guilty to my criminal charges?
- Should I represent myself in a criminal case?
- Are lawyer results guaranteed?
- If I am innocent, why do I need a lawyer?
- What happens after I am released by police from the station?
- What should I do if I am arrested?
- How much will it cost to hire a criminal defence lawyer?
- I think the police want to talk to me about a crime that occurred, what should I do?
- I have been told that there is a warrant for my arrest. What should I do?
- What happens if I am arrested and taken to the county jail?
- Is there any possibility of sealing and expunging (cleaning up) my criminal record?
- How do I appeal a criminal conviction or sentence?
- Does New Jersey have bail?
- Can a Warrant be removed?
- Is it legal to ask for record and track racial ethnic information of leaseholders in an apartment complex?
- What are the late filing penalties for submitting the MDRR form after the deadline?