
Disadvantages of Hiring an Inexperienced Sexual Assault Attorney

A person accused of a sex crime should retain the services of an experienced sexual assault defense attorney. An inexperienced attorney can ruin your defense, even if you have strong evidence and witness support.

Common Errors Made by Inexperienced Sexual Assault Attorneys

1. Poor cross examination skills: Proper cross examination of the witnesses is an important aspect of any case. An attorney who lacks cross examination skills can fail to establish a strong defense.
2. Poor questioning skills: A sexual assault defense lawyer should know how to question a witness. Asking the right questions is a skill, and failure to do so can keep important facts from coming to light.
3. Failure to suppress evidence: Evidence is often collected under suspicious circumstances. The defense should know to suppress such evidence, which can increase your chances of winning the case.
4. Plea bargain: An inexperienced sex crime attorney may want to end the case as soon as possible. This might lead to a plea bargain when it is not the best option.
5. Not examining DNA: The attorney should thoroughly review and interpret evidence like DNA samples and fingerprints.

Sexual Assault Lawyer in NJ

Accused of a sex crime in NJ? Contact Attorney Joel Silberman, a NJ criminal defense attorney. Attorney Silberman provides qualified and experienced legal representation. He will work hard to develop a strong defense for you. Call 201-420-1913 for an initial consultation.