
Guns & Weapons Offenses in Public Places

Guns in public places

Common sense says that having more guns and weapons in public increases the risk of violence. People carrying hidden, loaded handguns and other weapons in public create an unnecessary risk of intentional or accidental shootings. The presence of concealed guns increases the risk that commonplace disagreements will escalate into shootouts, especially in places like bars, sporting event venues and in traffic, where disputes frequently occur.

56% of Americans oppose laws allowing people to carry concealed, loaded handguns in public places. However, state after state has adopted the “shall issue” or “may issue” gun laws that remove law enforcement discretion from the permission process. Weak laws permitting concealed weapons have radically increased the number of people who may carry hidden, loaded handguns.

New Jersey and New York require CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon) permits. Applicants must demonstrate good cause or a justifiable need to carry a concealed weapon. New Jersey and New York are among the “may issue” states that require applicants to complete a firearm safety course, or otherwise demonstrate their qualification to use a firearm safely. New Jersey also requires that three reputable persons who have known the applicant for at least three years certify that the applicant is of good moral character and behavior. On the other hand, New York requires the licensing authority to ascertain that the applicant is of good moral character.

According to the Violence Policy Center analysis of news reports, CCW permit holders have killed at least 14 law enforcement officers and 622 private citizens since May 2007. These tragic incidents include 27 mass shootings and 39 murder-suicides.

In a 2010 nationwide poll, a majority of Americans opposed laws allowing people to carry concealed, loaded handguns in public places. Nine out of ten Americans oppose laws allowing guns on college campuses or in bars, restaurants, stadiums, hospitals or government buildings.

The Law Offices of Joel Silberman, LLC

Are you being investigated for, or being charged with federal gun-related offenses? Often the government’s seizure of weapons involves search warrants and warrant less searches. The Law Offices of Joel Silberman prides itself on examining the legality of every case and pursuing the appropriate motions. Call our number at 201-420-1913 or email us at

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