
Spousal Rape – A Serious Sex Crime in NJ

Spousal rape is when one spouse forces the other to participate in sexual acts without consent. Spousal rape is a serious form of violence, and is illegal in NJ. A victim of spousal rape may file a police report.

Lack of Consent

There are various definitions for lack of consent that include:

Forcible compulsion: Lack of consent is forcing someone to participate in sex acts by making them afraid.

Unconscious: Unconscious means when a person is physically helpless such as unconscious or in a state where one is unable to physically or verbally communicate.

Mental incapacitation: Mental incapacitation involves giving alcohol or an intoxicating substance without consent.

Sex Crime Attorney in NJ

If you have been accused of spousal rape, then hire a sex crime attorney to represent you. Attorney Joel Silberman, a sex crime attorney in NJ can handle any type of sex related crime in NJ. He immediately takes steps to preserve critical evidence, interview potential eyewitnesses and prepare your defense. Call 201-420-1913 for a consultation with Attorney Joel Silberman.

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