

Fraud is an intentional act in which an individual deceives another individual for personal gain.  The Federal government and the State of New Jersey recognize multiple types of fraud charges.  These charges include Real Estate Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, Health Care Fraud, Insurance Fraud, Securities Fraud and Counterfeiting Fraud to name a few.

Federal and State agencies take fraud offenses very seriously.  The authorities generally see fraudulent activity as taking hard earned money from their communities’ taxpayers.  The authorities are especially hard on those they accuse of defrauding the elderly.  If you have been arrested, charged and think you will be charged with Fraud related activity you need to speak to Joel Silberman as soon as possible.

$1.2 Million Insurance Fraud Case
Client was charged with insurance fraud in the amount of $1.2 million. Through extensive litigation and motion practice our client was admitted into the Pre-Trial Intervention Program for a period of 12 months after which the charges will be dismissed.


  • Innocence – No fraud occurred
  • Prosecution has insufficient evidence to satisfy burden
  • Constitutional Defenses

Sentencing Consequences

  • Probation
  • Imprisonment
  • Restitution
  • Fines